Another week at Cynthia's Ark and there is always something happening here. It has been a mixed week here, some sewing, some cutting and a little bit of other stuff thrown in for good measure.
Sunday after a day of teaching I sat down for an evening of hand stitching the binding down,
Monday there wasn't much time for stitching but I got one hexie done.
Nothing happened sewing wise on Tuesday but I was cutting, Wednesday was another day with orders to fill and other stuff to do. With that said I did do a bit more binding work before bed.
On Thursday I set the machine up and got stuck in to the sewing part of my Coral Reef project.
Friday saw me working on my Coral Reef project. This section is nearly nearly done. 
Saturday morning I whipped up a few Four Patch blocks for a secret project.
That wraps up my week of sewing. Who knows what next week will bringing.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching
PS Even if you only stitch for a few minutes. Over a week it adds up.