Tuesday, September 29, 2020

It's A Garden Party Row Along

 Welcome to my day on the It's A Garden Row Along. Thank you to Marian for organising and host this annual event, Northcott for suppling us with fabric to  use in our blocks and prizes, Electric Quilt Company and all the other sponsors.  Here is the full schedule, just in case you have only found us.  Make sure you visit everyone, collect their patterns and leave a comment. You may win something for doing something that simple.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Blue Heron Quilting | Made By Marney
Pumpkin Patch BC | The Devoted Quilter

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Bobbin In Quilts Blog | Kissed Quilts | Patchwork Breeze
Songbird Designs | Stitchin’ at Home

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Daughters of Dorinda | Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
Lovingly Lissa | The Quilt Rambler

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Fabric Bash/Carpe Blogum | For the Love of Geese
Kathleen McMusing | Ms P Designs USA | QuilterChic

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design | Patti’s Patchwork
Quilt Schmilt | Scrapdash | Your Sewing Friend

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Charisma’s Corner | Clever Chameleon
Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio | Kathy’s Kwilts and More
Mountain Meadow Designs

Tuesday, September 29, 2020   Today

Cynthia’s Creating Ark (You are here) | Miss Loreen’s Schoolhouse
Moose Stash Quilting | Tuning My Heart Quilts
Cheryl LaPlante

Thursday, October 01, 2020

Barbara Dieges | Linda B Creative
Orange Blossom Quilt Design Studio | Ursa Minor
Sunflower Stitcheries and Quilting

Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Bumbleberry Stitches | Charlie’s Daughter
Seams To Be Sew | The Quilting Room with Mel
Words & Stitches

Thursday, October 08, 2020

Duck Creek Mountain Quilting | Lynn’s Beauty
Quilt Art | Renee’s Quilting Addiction
Sew Incredibly Crazy

Tuesday, October 13, 2020
Show and Tell Day

Now on to my block.  Every garden needs a focus tree in my opinion, size doesn't matter as gardens can be tiny or they cn be huge. So that why I have created a tree which will be my centre block when I get around to creating my Garden quilt from the patterns collected..

This block is suitable for a quilter who has the basic skills as it only has half square triangles in it. You can find my pattern HERE.

I have the pleasure of having a Northcott Giveaway for everyone today. Northcott will send you a bundle from one of these in the picture below.  This is a worldwide giveaway - USA winners will wait until the Row Along ends for shipping to take place and USA winners will pay shipping cost.

 You can find the rules for the Giveaways here.

Also Electric Quilt  has a special offer for everyone during the row along. They are offering a 20% off any products except for EQ Academy during the row along. The coupon code is: GARDENPARTY20. If you haven't got it yet this is the perfect opportunity to get it and receive the discount.

I hope you have enjoyed your visit and I look forward to see what you do with the patterns you collect.
Until Next Time 
Keep Stitching


Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Your tree block would be the perfect centerpiece to any garden-themed quilt!

Dione Gardner-Stephen said...

This tree is lovely on it's own or could be decorated in so many fun ways. Thanks so much for the pattern.

Linda H. said...

Beautiful pattern. Thank you so much!

Marian said...

Hi Cynthia, such a great pattern, and so perfect as a center quilt piece. Thank you for participating in this year's row along it's always great to see what your up to.

Ronelle said...

Your tree block is beautiful, Cynthia. Thank you very much for the pattern you shared.

quilter said...

Very cute, thanks for sharing and the great giveaways!

Nancy L said...

I love your addition of this tree block. It is perfect!! Thanks for sharing!!

lynn said...

I like your block Cynthia, but when I clicked on "here", I was told the page didn't exist. Tried it twice. don't know what my issue is.

Lori said...

such a wonderful block. thank you. i agree that every garden should have some kind of tree. this will be perfect for the center of all blocks in this hop.

Lori said...

the link is telling me that that page does not exist. and i cant seem to find it elsewhere. can you help me please? quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

Unknown said...

My link doesn't work . It said the page doesn't exist. Great pattern Donna .... DragonsLair1313@ yahoo.com

Linda H. said...

I love your tree but my link isn't working - it says the page is not available!

Gina's Custom Creations said...

Thank you for sharing your tree pattern...I love it! Only thing is the link takes me to a page that says it's not available. I see I'm not the only one. Please advise when you get a moment? Thank you so much!

Ann said...

I love your tree pattern. Unfortunately I also get the broken link, page doesn't exist message.
Not sure what happened since other people seem to have been able to follow the link.


Sue Green said...

I love the tree pattern, but the link is not working for me either. Thank you!

Shirley said...

It says the link does not exist :( Thanks


Gail said...

Your tree block is beautiful. Having it the center of your quilt is a great idea.

Bonnie58 said...

This is so cute. I love the tree, but, I cannot seem to access the pattern. Thanks

Brenda @ Songbird Designs said...

Your tree is awesome! I love using HSTs! Thanks for sharing!

Danette said...

This is a very lovely tree! Thank you!

works4me said...

Wow, that row is fantastic. I can't get access to it either, though. Thanks.

Calicojoan said...

I love half square triangles and this tree is perfect for my garden. I also couldn't access the pattern. Darn technology!

Joanne said...

Lovely tree but like the others I cannot access the link. Thank you.

Betty Hall said...

Also cannot access the link

Betty Hall said...

Also cannot access the link


What a delightful tree--I like that fact that it has an odd angle block here and there--
makes the tree look natural--thanks for sharing it--
luv, di

Cheryl Brown said...

Lovely block! I love the tree.

DS said...

Great tree. This would be a great starting place for the quilt. Now how to download it!

carol said...

Nice tree for the garden.

Unknown said...

I like your tree and think it would make a great addition to the Garden Party quilt, but for some reason the pattern is not available to me. I tried to get it twice, but both times I got the message that it doesn't exist. Nancy A: SewingGranda@gmail.com

For the love of geese said...

Your tree is glorious.

Marjorie said...

Loving your tree. So beautiful.

JANET said...

Every garden needs a tree! Thanks for sharing.

Sewgirl said...

You always need a tree in your garden! Thanks for sharing!

Nancy said...

Where will the birds go without a tree? This block is a great design, simple and serving as a focal point.

Caroline said...

Thank you for the Block, the link is incorrect though, although I did find the issue and get the Block successfully. Your link https://cynthiasark.blogspot.com/.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BzDRWIBf8eA7JWrM7QXtZcxw2B_plkd2/view?usp=sharing . It has too many addresses. This link worked https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BzDRWIBf8eA7JWrM7QXtZcxw2B_plkd2/view?usp=sharing

Thank you

Danni N said...

Nice, simple block. Thank you to Caroline for posting the correct link!

OhioLori said...

Your tree is Awesome! Thank you so much for sharing your Talent :) & also for chance to win your Give-a-way too :D

Sharon Aurora said...

Of course there must be at least one tree! Thank you for the pattern.

dbuggy1 said...

The link isn't working for me. It says the page doesn't exist. Can you give me a different link? Thanks so much for all the hard work you put into this pattern!

Michele-Marie said...

Hi Cynthia, I have tried time and again clicking on the word 'Here' but the link for your tree pattern just returns the following:
"Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."
Can you help please??

Michelle said...

There should always be one tree but more the better. :)

nancy c said...

thanks for the great pattern!

Angie said...

Very cool tree block! Beautiful! angielovesgary2 atgmail dotcom 🌳🌻

Carol Andrews said...

I love your tree! Thank you for sharing your great pattern.

Sandi1100 said...

You have a beautiful tree which looks good by itself and I'm sure will look with some of the other rows. Thanks for sharing.

Carol Andrews said...

And I can’t download the pattern. The link is broken 😢

Mary jayne said...

I hope the link is fixed by tomorrow

Ronda said...

Link to pattern is not working. Hope link is working tomorrow. Beautiful pattern, hope to get it

kelley likes said...

Oopsie, the link doesn’t work anymore. Please let me know when it is fixed. Thanks

Patti said...

This is lovely! Thank you for the pattern.

Sally said...

Great block, unfortunately the link goes to a message that says the page does not exust. Too bad

Bernadette Izod said...

I think this will look fabulous as part of the It's A Garden Party Row Along and would love to be able to include this in my quilt, however I am unable to download this row, can you please send me the pdf? I am receiving a message "this page is not available".



SandyMay said...

Sad to say, the page where we are supposed to be able to download the tree pattern is nowhere to be found. Maybe I'll try again later this week.

Brenda said...

I love trees! They do set off a quilt!

Sumac said...

What a nice tree!

Emily said...

Pretty tree! I like the idea of using it as a centerpiece.

Sally said...

Link is working this morning!!! Yeah! Great tree, thank you.

Pamela said...

I love your tree! It's amazing what beautiful things can be done with triangles.

Unknown said...

I love your pattern. Thanks for sharing.

Beth Strand said...

So beautiful! Thank you!

Stitchin At Home said...

Great tree block!

Cathy B. said...

What a wonderful sturdy tree!

Lori said...

thank you for fixing the link. i really love this tree. it looks like it is a lot of fun. can put reds and yellows on it right now.

Rochelle aka Bella Quilts said...

I really like the pine tree and the beautiful colors you included. Thank you for the pattern and thanks to the lovely sponsors for their generous prizes. Also Thanks to Marian for organizing th row party.

Orla V said...

What a great use of HSTs - a big old pine tree for the gardens to surround. What a wonderful center for any quilt. Thank you.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the tree pattern I will definitely make it!

Vivian Oaks said...

Thank you sooo much for the beautiful tree!! As soon as I saw it, a huge smile came to my face and I thought, "Cool!!" I love it!!! Blessings!!!

GranChris said...

I love the tree. Thank-you for the idea.

Robin said...

Thank you for the tree, now to find which row to join it too. I think I'll be making more than one tree.

Susan said...

Thank you for the pattern. I love it.

jbsews said...

Such a great block! I can see me using it in lots of ways besides this Garden ral. Thanks!

Susan said...

Thanks for using dropbox, and thanks for this wonderful tree. I agree with you completely - gotta have a tree in there!

Beth said...

Great tree block - thanks so much!

Beth said...

Great tree block - thanks so much!

Beth said...

Great tree block - thanks so much!

shobs said...

A tree with flowers below it. All it needs is a bench and a book to make it a dream come true.

marebear said...

Cute, Cute, Cute! Love your tree.