Monday, June 10, 2019

My Temperature Quilt Part 7

As you can see I am still way behind in my temperature quilt but here is March's blocks completed.
10-3-19- 28.5 - Yellow
11-3-19- 26- Yellow
12-3-19-28.1- Yellow
13-3-19- 31-3- Orange
15-3-19-28.3- Yellow
16-3-19-31.6 Orange

17-3-19- 32 - Orange
18-3-19-33.9- Orange
19-3-19- 32.4- Orange
20-3-19- 29  Yellow
21-3-19- 30.3 - Yellow
22-3-19- 35.2 -Orange
23-3-19- 26.3 - Yellow

24-3-19- 28.1 - Yellow
25-3-19- 20.4-  blue
26-3-19- 21.6 - Green
27-3-19- 26.5 - Yellow
28-3-19- 30.9 - Yellow
29-3-19- 23.1 - Green
30-3-19- 17.5 - Blue

31-3-19- 22.7 -Green
1-4-19- 23.4 - Green
2-4-19- 27.6 - Yellow
3-4-19- 29 - Yellow
4-4-19- 33.6 - Orange
5-4-19- 34.4 - Orange
6-4-19- 22.7 - Green

Then I was able to get into April's blocks.
7-4-19- 25.5 - Green
8-4-19- 24.3 - Green
9-4-19- 20 - Blue
10-4-19- 19.5 - Blue
11-4-19- 23 - Green
12-4-19- 26.4 - Yellow
13-4-19- 23.9 - Green

14-4-19- 29 - Yellow
15-4-19- 31 - Orange
16-4-19- 34.1 -Orange
17-4-19- 32.7 - Orange
18-4-19- 23.7 - Green
19-4-19- 35.3 -  Orange
20-4-19- 32.8 - Orange

Here is my legend
9- 15 degrees Purple
16-20 degrees  Blue
21-25 degrees Green
26-30 degrees Yellow
31-35 degrees Orange
36-40 degrees Pink
40+ degrees Red
Another good batch completed. I am still behind but at least there is progress. I am hoping it won't take long to get the next batch together as I have a bunch of flying geese blocks ready to layout.  I'm only about 8 weeks behind as I write this post. Lol. At least the machine is set up and the Temperature quilt box is there by the machine ready to go if I find the time.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

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