Friday, March 21, 2014

Building Blocks Quilt - FMQ Along # 8

This weeks quilting lesson was focused on wiggles and teeth. I manage to do this one early in the week rather than at the end of the week. After watching the tutorial I was a little worried when Leah suggested not to trace the second wiggly pattern and second teeth pattern. Just trace the beginning to get you going. Well I did what she said but in my head I was thinking I can always trace it if it was a disaster.  So imagine my surprise  when I was able to copy the line next to it free hand and had less trouble than following the traced lines. Not perfect but if I was doing more on a quilt border I think I would improve 10 fold. I may have to use these patterns in upcoming projects so I can practise. Again I snapped my thread a couple of times.

Follow this link to see what other quilters have achieved.
Until next time
Keep Stitching

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