Saturday, September 30, 2017

Winners and Losers Today

The shop was quiet today. Most of South Australia was preparing and watching the AFL grand final, with one of our local team the Adelaide Crows playing the Richmond Tigers.

So this allowed me some time at the sewing machine with the radio on. Unfortunately the Crows lost but I did manage to get the binding on my Gypsy Wife Quilt after I collected it  from Val (House of Valerie) yesterday who quilted it for me. As always she has done a great job.

I went with a dark blue for the binding. So a few nights in front of the TV will see it finished off. I might take it with me on retreat next week.
 Next I did some more quilting with the Westalee rulers on a table runner that I had started quilting but didn't know what to do in the border. Today it just fell into place and with the Spin-E-Fex template I finished the quilting off and whipped on the binding.

What is this? These are strips from a Rolie Polie bundle from Penny Rose Fabrics Meadow range. I may have started sorting strips for a new project. Don't tell anyone.

Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September One Monthly Goal Finish

Hi everyone! This was the project for September for me to decide on borders and quilt it. It is my Scrapdance Tango Table runner.

All pinned ready for quilting. It did take me a little while to get started on it with boring sew that had to ome first but once that was out the way I was able to set the Pfaff up and get in to some quilting using the Westalee Rulers. Practise is the key to using the rulers.
 All done with the quilting and the binding was next to do. I had made the binding from the left over fabrics from the bundle that I didn't us in the backing of the table runner.
 A little look at the quilting I did in the sashing. It is hard to see as I was using Aurifil white. That way any wobbles in my quilting will not be so noticeable.
Then a couple of nights to finish the binding off.
That fact I got the binding on means I did get a little further on then I thought I would so in the end I am happy.

I have link this post with Elm Street Quilt who host the One Monthly Goal so pop over and check out what else has been finished this month
Time to select October's Project.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Busy Busy Quilting

It has been really busy here. A lot has been happening that I haven't been able to share with everyone as it is secret retreat business. Our first Project Uninterrupted retreat is less than 2 weeks away and I am trying to be one step ahead on myself. I don't want a last minute panic if I can help it.

With that said I still had a couple of sessions of sewing in store that allowed me to slip into a free spot and join in the fun of the classroom. I need to do some ruler work quilting using the Westalee Designs rulers for a demo/ workshop next month and I have some projects that need to be finished.
This table runner is the first one on the pile and the smallest project.
I only used two Rulers to quilt the table, the blocks were quilted with the 6" spiral ruler from the sampler set and the sashing borders were quilted using the ruler that comes with their ruler foot.

By the end of the day I managed to finish quilting the table runner and got the first part on the binding on. Now I am ready to trim it up and finish it up.

Until next time
Keep Stitching

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Jingle Bells- Christmas Caroling Row Along.

Christmas Caroling Row Along
 It is my day in the Christmas Caroling Row Along. Marion from Seams to be Sew has done a great job put this event together.  Plus all the sponsors need a big thank you too. Without their support these event would not happen. A special thank you to Northcott Fabrics for sponsoring this event and supplying us with some fabric from this year's Christmas ranges. See the ranges just above the Northcott Fabric Giveaway. I do have a few bolt from 'Tis the Season in my shop already if are tempted.

Today is my day to reveal my row, along with these other designers who are up today.
So make sure you visit their post once you have finish here and collect their beautiful rows and enter the giveaways they have as they are different to the giveaways feature here.
My row measures 12 1/2 x 30 1/2"
Jingle Bells was my choice.

When Marian suggested this year's theme I jumped at the chance of participating again after last year's Row Home Row Along for the first time. Jingle Bells was the first Christmas carol that popped into my head. That was it, the decision made right there on the spot. Make sure you download both files below. The first one is all your instructions and the second one has the applique shapes in it. 

 Download the pattern here
Download the Applique shapes here
I have a fantastic giveaway for you. You can win 
 A Fat Quartershop $25.00 Gift Certificate

Shipping Is Anywhere
Value $25.00
The prize page
Starts September 14, 2017 / Ends September 21, 2017
Fat Quarter Shop

Your Giveaway Is: Calibre Art Mats

Shipping Via Amazon USA Only
The Prize Page

Northcott Fabrics Giveaway
Northcott 1 FQ Bundles 2yds total

Shipping Is Everywhere
Value $20.00
The Prize Page
Assortments From Random Collections:

Rules and Guidelines For Giveaways
Please take the time to read it.
  1. Giveaways offered by sponsors are assigned to the various bloggers for their featured day.
  2. There are no prior announcements on who is doing which sponsor except to the sponsor themselves.
  3. You’ll have to visit the blog or the featured blog to enter the giveaways. Not all giveaways can be entered at Seams To Be Sew.
  4. I will start announcing winners on September 12, 2017, and finish announcing winners on October 12, 2017 with the exception of the Calibre Art giveaway, those will be available after each featured day, starting September 06, 2017.
  5. In most cases, the blog where you won at also will announce their winners.
  6. You must give a valid email address when you enter the giveaways, any email returned to me, loses the ability to win automatically.
  7. With the exception of Show and Tell Day, all giveaways run for approximately one week.
  8. You are given 3 days to answer the email, if you do not answer within 3 days a new winner will be drawn. Check those spam/junk mail folders, you may miss that winning email if you don’t do so because there are no exceptions to this rule.
  9. If you are notified that you are a winner, in most cases, you will need to provide your name, address, city, state, zip code, country, telephone number, and email address.
  10. In some cases, you will be asked to comment on the blog to enter the giveaway… do the right thing and thank them for the time it took to create the pattern, thank them for the pattern and…
  11. Thank the sponsor by buying their products for the giveaways. This helps them continue to offer great prizes for these types of events. You can also comment on their social media pages. Even if you don’t win, letting them know you love their products is a huge incentive and they really do love hearing from you.
  12. No purchase whatsoever is necessary.
  13. You must be 18+ in order to win a gift.
  14. You are responsible for claiming and paying any tax owed on the value of any gift that you win. Prizes valued at $500.00 should be claimed.
  15. All winners are chosen at random.
  16. All winners will be announced on the blogs via the Rafflecopter entry form and/or post by the blogger at the site where they won and here at [Seams To Be Sew]( All winners must allow for their first name and first initial of their last name to be announced on this blog.
  17. Odds of Winning a prize are based on a total number of rafflecopter entries during each week and in total for all giveaways.
  18. This giveaway is void where prohibited by law.
  19. Participating bloggers may enter any of the giveaways.
  20. The word giveaways in the rules and guidelines are also known as sweepstakes.
Most of the giveaways are international shipping this year
in some cases, you will be asked to pay for shipping your giveaways.
I am not rich and I do not ask sponsors for money, they provide prizes only.
If they shipped the prize to me, you will be asked to pay for shipping.
All giveaways will be shipped that are in my home within 48 hours of my having heard from you.                                                                                                                                      

An invoice will be sent to you via Paypal, and shipping will take place via Paypal, so your Paypal email will be needed to send the invoice. You will receive a tracking number except for overseas shipments. All shipping will either be first class which averages out at 2.77 to 4.00 up to 13 ounces. Paypal fees are added to that amount to cover that fee. All fabric bundles from Michael Miller, Hoffman, and Moda will be shipped via Priority Mail to protect the fabric itself.
Please note, every effort is made to protect the prizes. They go into a plastic bin when I receive them, and it is covered by an air tight cover. I have a dog in my home and I have a smoker in my home, so I do everything possible to protect the prizes.
Most companies are very good about getting prizes off to customers quickly also, but some companies are overseas, so please allow all sponsors a 2-week time period before you report to me that you still haven’t received your prize. When the company is overseas, it can take 6 weeks to 90 days for an item to also arrive.Whether or not you read the above, the rules for giveaways are in place to protect everyone. I do not want to hear you didn’t read them, they will be posted on my blog daily during each featured day. There is no excuse for not reading them.

I hope you are enjoying the Christmas Caroling Row Along and enjoy the rest of the event.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Piping and Zipper Cushion Workshop

On Saturday we ran our Piping and Zipper cushion Workshop for the second time. We are looking at teaching people different techniques with a range of projects in our Expand You Knowledge workshops. This one is beginner's workshop so if you only have some basic sewing knowledge this one is perfect for you. In this one we are focused on learning how to make piping and insert a zip in a cushion.
Theses are the shop sample cushions.

This time I actually got to sit in the class myself. The first time we ran the class it was full, this time there was a spot if I was free. I wanted to learn how to make piping. It doesn't hurt for me to expand my knowledge too.
We all had fun learning these techniques and we finished one cushion each easily in the allocated time. As Pat  had made a couple of beautiful applique panels for her cushion fronts, she had a head start allowing her to finish both her cushions.
 The aim of the workshop is to learn the two techniques and finish one cushion in the one day workshop with the kit having enough fabric to make 2 cushions. That way if you finish earlier you can continue on the second one, as we did. We nearly finished the second cushion. It won't take long to finish them at home.
Really you need a pair of cushions.
Here are the finished cushions.
Now if you are interested in do this workshop or want to see what else we have on offer pop over to the workshop page and have a look. New workshops are being added all the time and I am open to suggestions for future workshops.

Now the benefit of me being the shop owner allows me to stay and keep sewing if I choose, which is what I did and I only had to sew the front and back together to finish my second cushion.
   Here are my pair.

Until Next Time 
Keep Stitching 

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A Christmas Caroling Row Along is Finally Here

After months of planning and work behind the scenes from everyone, Marian (Seams to be Sew), designers and Sponsors to get this event ready. The wait is finally over. Today A Christmas Caroling Row Along starts.
Here is the schedule for the event.

The Christmas Caroling Row Along Schedule

Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Cheryl LaPlante
      (sponsored by Quilt In Piece)
Morning Glory
Pampered Pettit
Fun Threads
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Show and Tell Day
Bloggers will be announced at a later date

Here is the link Marian post for the first day of rows for you to check out and collect. Don't forget each designer has giveaways with their post so don't forget to enter before you collect the row pattern. You don't want to miss out on entering the giveaways. There is lots of fantastic prizes to be won over the next 6 weeks.

I look forward to share my row with everyone on the 14th September.

In the meantime enjoy the fantastic rows  this event has on offer.

Until Next Time 
Keep Stitching 

Friday, September 1, 2017

September's One Monthly Goal

It is time to select my goal for September. I had a look at my long list of unfinished projects.                     What is achievable for September was my first consideration?
 Next what is close to a complete finish?

 There is a number of projects that I could see the next step of the project completed, but I think I want a complete finish. I have a couple of small projects that need quilting, one is a retreat project that needs to be finished but I can't share any pictures.The same can be said about my Christmas Caroling Row Along row which will be revealed in a couple of weeks so both are not good for my One Monthly Goal but they need to be done.
This brings me back to last month's project, my Scrap Dance Tango table runner. I need to decide if I am putting a border around it and the quilt it. This is my September goal.

 Do I make a border or not?

I have linked this post to Elm Street Quilts, pop over and join us or have a look at what everyone else will be working on this month.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching