Friday, September 30, 2016


After a crazy week of weather here is South Australia with the whole state being blackouts on Wednesday when a huge storm hit. with winds and rain. We had no power for 15 hours. Then the next evening the next front hit with even stronger winds and more rain.
This has lead to major damage across the state and flooding which has stopped me from getting home as they have closed roads as the rivers break their banks.
This is our normal route we take to and from Adelaide. The Light River broke it banks Friday morning closing our road. My husband took this picture as he did manage to get home before they closed the other road in. The water is a far distance from our town so we are safe. We just can't get in and out.
It is keeping me away from my sewing machine. Not happy. We will see if I can get home today.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

350 Block Project- September Report

This month's total is 30.
I have promised myself more sewing time this month. Some deadlines have been reached and that should leave me a little extra time for sewing.
What has been done.
There has been 30  hourglass blocks made.

The last star point on my Forget Me Not quilt. Then I completed   2  out of the 12 blocks in the next step for 3.

My Victoria Fling blocks have finally turned into a quilt top for a total 10.

Unfortunately no current picture of my Forget Me Not quilt and I have used last month's picture of my hourglass blocks as I haven't been able to get home to do this post. We have had a week of bad weather here in South Australia with no power, rain, gale force winds and storms, so no sewing and now I can't get home due to 2 rivers breaking their banks cutting the roads I need to get home. At least my husband got home.
This month's total is 43.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Saturday, September 24, 2016

What is new at Cynthia's Ark

Not a lot of sewing has been done this week. Which is a sad thing. I haven't had time to even sit down at the machine and consider doing some sewing.
So what has been going on? Lots of new stock has arrived from a number of sources and there is still more to coming including 2 more fabric shipments and the safety eyes for the dragons in green and blue this time.
Let's start with the threads that have arrived. We have topped up our range of Glide quilting threads including 7 new colours as we expand our range each time we place a new order.

While we are on threads we have released our special Cynthia's Ark Everyday Sewing Collection which features 15 x 1300m 50 wt of our can't live without Aurifil cottons. The Collection has been design to cover all your essential sewing needs, either by machine or by hand. Storage box is included.

On the pattern front we are now stock Wildcraft Farm Quilt Card Collection patterns which contains a beautiful large greeting card with envelope and the pattern to make the project featured on the front of the card. They are the perfect gifts for your sewing friends or you could be cheeky and give the card and keep the pattern for yourself. I won't tell anyone.

Also from Wildcraft Farm coming these beautiful wooden spool for you to store your stranded cottons on. They come in a starter pack of 20 spools.Threads not included.
 There will be some larger spools coming soon. They will be perfect for keeping trims, laces and ready to go binding.
Now for the fabric, there is the Crazy Cats panel and co ordinates for the funky cat lovers.

There is a new Thomas the Tank panel along with a Celestial Seasons panel with a co ordinate.

Lastly on the panels front there is the Dragon Moon panel with co ordinates. It has been a while since we have had new Japanese fabrics so they will be popular.

From Penny Rose Fabrics we have received 6 bolts from Jefferson City range.

Don't forget we did receive Woodland Wonder just before all this which is this year's Christmas range for the shop. I do have a little pattern planned for this range.

All products featured in this post are available in store or at
Now it is time to cut fabric to top up the craft fair boxes in time for the Festival of Quilts that is on at Morphettville Racecourse, Adelaide, South Australia.

Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Under the Pressure Foot # 24

I had the pleasure of spending the weekend with a great bunch of ladies. Though there was a little work involved with me taking the shop, it also meant I had some serious sewing time.

The view out of the large windows where we were staying. That is the Port River. So we had plenty of wildlife around including dolphins, birds and people walking their dogs.
I always have great plan to finish more than I can but I would rather take more and then I have a few projects at hand for me to work on depending how I feel. There was only 1 must do project and it was to make up Diggles the Dragon (a Funky Friends Factory pattern which I stock) who has been on my To Do List for quite a while. Plus the need to do it this weekend was the fact I had a expert on hand to ask for advice if I get stuck and she was making another one so I can look at her finished one if needed.

It took me a quite a long time to complete it but I finished it, in fairness I did start from the very beginning with only the templates cut and fabric selected.
 The dragons made over the weekend plus a ring in. The dolphin is the group's mascot, she comes to all their retreats and is the sister to my shop dolphin.

The other project I worked on was my Victorian Fling quilt which I had made all the blocks and had cut the first border pieces. This is what I ended up with. A new quilt top ready for pinning and quilting.

The pattern for this one is the 30's Fling and you will find it on the Penny Rose Fabrics website, along with loads more free patterns to tempt you. When I popped over to grab the link for you I stopped and added a few more patterns to my collection. This one is going to hang in the shop as a sample of what you can make from one of their Stacker packs and a little extra fabric.

Plus don't forget The Road Home Row Along continues this week. Here is the schedule just in case you need it.
20-Sep Beaquilter
20-Sep Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design
20-Sep Rebecca Mae Designs

22-Sep Words & Stitches
22-Sep I CAN QUILT 2
22-Sep Any Pattern

Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Road Home Row Along Continues

Have you seen the latest rows that have been released?  If not here are the link for you to visit.

13-Sep Tweety Loves Quilting
13-Sep Quiltscapes
13-Sep Seams To Be Sew

Plus did you see my row from last week.  Here is the link to my post with the links to the other rows released.
Of course here is the link to the full schedule if you want to check out what is still to come.
Don't forget there is lots of great prizes still to be won. 
Until Next Time 
Keep Stitching

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Under the Pressure Foot #23

I found myself with a free day to do what I like. It has been a long time since I felt this free. There has always some other jobs that have been getting in the way.
After attending a Westalee Ruler work shop I have been itching to get back to some quilting. Plus this one is on my 2016 Finish Along for this quarter.

This is the quilt that I need to finish. I am halfway through quilting it, so I am eager to finish it. I am playing with 2 circle templates.
The key to using these rulers is play with them and practice. I like to keep the key closest to me so I can see it easily and take a little extra care as I go pass it.

This quilt only has four large blocks. So I started in the centre of each block working my way out. Then I used the 2" circle template to fill the centre of the quilt and around the outside edges of the blocks. Lastly I filled the outer border with circles, plus four extra circle that fits in the corners over the inner border.
By 4 pm I finally finished the quilting. A number of ends to tie in and then the binding. The plan is to finish this quilt this week. 
Then I can look at the next quilt that is ready for quilting. Another chance to play with the rulers.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Monday, September 5, 2016

The Road Home Row Along - My Home of Adelaide

I have teamed up with a whole bunch of talented people to bring everyone The Road Home Row Along featuring rows of home towns, special places and places we love.
For my row it had to be Adelaide, South Australia. The city I grew up in on the south side and now live a 30 minute drive north of Adelaide.
The Festival Centre on the banks of the River Torrens with the city centre in the background.

This is my row. 

I have selected 4 things to represent Adelaide, South Australia. Starting from the left I have the Rotunda that you can find in Elder Park, not far from the Festival Centre pictured above. A bunch of grapes for the great wine regions around Adelaide, which are not too far from the city. The last block is the lighthouse for Port Adelaide  where most of the ship that visit dock. Lastly the sashing along the bottom of the row represents the River Torrens that runs through the heart of Adelaide, which you can see in the above picture.
Progress shot of the grape block.
 All the applique pieces in place ready for stitching. with your favourite applique stitch.

The lighthouse block which is foundation pieced(paper pieced)

Now I haven't finished mine yet. I can't decide if I want to add more rows to make a quilt or just quilt it and bind it as a wall hanging. We will see what happens.

Now here is the pattern to make my row.

Here is the template file that going with the above instructions.

Also there is two giveaways on offer. Plus more each day with each row that is released. You can enter them all as you collect the rows. We have an Anita Goodesign Machine Embroidery CD and a Calibre Cutting Mat on offer for you to win.


Plus don't forget to visit everyone to collect their rows and enter their giveaways.
Here is the link to the full schedule but today we have joining me to open this Row Along

6-Sep Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life
6-Sep Cynthia's Creating Ark   That's me.
6-Sep Kissed Quilts
6-Sep Renee's Quilting Addiction

I hope you enjoy The Road Home Row Along as much I did creating my row.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching 

The Road Home Row Along Schedule

The 6th of September is tomorrow so I thought I would share the schedule for this exciting Row Along I am part of. It is hosted by Seams to be Sew and Sew Incredibly Crazy.

Below is all the details for all the designers participating in this Row Along. Make sure you pop over and check out their work and you will be able to collect all the rows to make the ones that sing to you.

Date             Blog Name                                        URL
6-Sep Allie-Oops Sweet Happy Life
6-Sep Cynthia's Creating Ark
6-Sep Renee's Quilting Addiction

8-Sep Sew Incredibly Crazy
8-Sep Patchouli Moon Studio
8-Sep Seacoast Quilter
8-Sep 3 Patch Crafts

13-Sep Tweety Loves Quilting
13-Sep Quiltscapes
13-Sep Seams To Be Sew

15-Sep bdieges designs
15-Sep Elizabeth Coughlin Designs
15-Sep Cloth and Paper Studio
15-Sep Patti's Patchwork
15-Sep Quilt in Piece

20-Sep Beaquilter
20-Sep Heleen Pinkster Quilt Design
20-Sep Seams To Be Sew
20-Sep Rebecca Mae Designs

22-Sep Words & Stitches
22-Sep I CAN QUILT 2
22-Sep Any Pattern

27-Sep Creatin' in the Sticks
27-Sep Moosestash Quilting
27-Sep Sue Griffiths Featured At Just Let Me Quilt

29-Sep Quilted Fabric Art
29-Sep Pamela Quilts

4-Oct Just Let Me Quilt
4-Oct Elm Street Quilts
4-Oct Sarah Quinn Featured At Seams To Be Sew

6-Oct Cheryl LaPlant Featured At Quilt In Piece
6-Oct Miss Loreen's Schoolhouse
6-Oct Bumbleberry Stitches
6-Oct Needle in a Hayes Stack

Show N Tell Day
11-Oct All Things Sewn
11-Oct Seams To Be Sew

One last sneak peek of my row. You won't have to wait long to see my row as I am on the first day.
Woo Hoo! See you tomorrow.

Until Next Time
Keep Stitching 