
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

What is your Sewing Goal for 2021?

 We are coming to the close of 2020. It's been a year like no other. So I was thinking is there something I really want to do in 2021 sewing wise. I have plenty of business goals I have already set myself but I haven't thought much about the sewing. This year I had the Quiltworx Certified Shop program to work through. Which now I look back on and think Wow did I learn a lot. I still need to do the new Technique of the month Coral Reef but I am just waiting on fabric to arrive.

Do you have any sewing goals for 2021? Have you a plan already? Maybe you don't want to set yourself a goal. Is there something that you really would like to learn? There are so many different thing we can learn/do and we just need to put it out in the universe and start thinking how we can acheive it. It may be as simple as learning a technique. 

An example for you. A few of the ladies in my classes want to learn how to the Quilt as you Go technique. It came up during a workshop, by talking about that day we will be have that workshop in the first half of the year.  So if there is something you are interested in learning let me know and I may be able to arrange a workshop.

For me I have had to put my rulerwork quilting aside which I want to go back to and work on some new designs and workshops to enhance my Freestyling Rulerwork workshop. During 2020 I basically was only doing the basics over and over again. It's great lots of ladies have had their Rulerwork journeys started because of that, but it has left me some what uninspired.  I have a number of small projects ready to go when I am ready.

A coulpe of my small projects ready for quilting.

So what are your sewing goals for 2021? Share them with everyone in the comments and let see if we can all acheive our goals together.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitchiing

1 comment:

  1. I am really happy that this year I have been able to get projects finished by following the monthly challenges you have set.
    I still want to finish more projects that are sitting in boxes plus really want to learn quilt as you go and some rulerwork.
    I am nervous about the nebula BOM as I haven't gotten around to any of the practice projects.
