
Tuesday, December 29, 2020

My Stitching Resolution for 2021


Welcome to the Stitching Resolution 2021 Challenge.

Thank you to Carla from Creatin' in the Sticks for coming up with this blog hop. This is everyone who is participating. So pop over and check out what they have set themselves.

Wednesday, December 30th

My stitching resolution for 2021 is to make time to sew.

That should be simply right! Not in my world. During 2020 as I worked my way through a set program of projects to become a  Quiltworx certified shop I really struggled at times to find time at the machine.  Now I was hearing stories of how much time other people were having sewing up a storm and here I was really struggling.

I got there in the end but it was not the way I had planned to do it.  I had a plan for 2020 that fell apart about April. Yes I can blame Covid-19 for some of my failings.  Making everything harder and creating too many hoops for me to jump through behind the scenes  to keep the business open and running within the new regulations. Boy, did I have issues. There was plenty to deal with and I tried my hardest to battle on and not to let it show.  The rest of the issues were my own doing, I could have done something about them and didn't. Plus trying to keep everyone else happy was too much work and only pushed me to breaking point. 

Now how am I going to make time for me to sew.

For 2021 all workshops and classes will have the end of the the sessions announced, unless you are paying for an extended session. This should give me extra time to take care of business during shop hours rather than in the evening when I could be sewing. 

Next half of our Saturday sessions are  becoming  10 am-1pm sessions, which hopefully will give me 1-2 hours on some Saturday afternoon to sew. 

I have 3 big projects I need to find time to work on during 2021. One is the Glacier Star project the ladies are doing this year.  I need to be ahead of them so I am sure I know what I am doing during the workshops.

 I wish I could tell you about the other two, but at the time of posting this blog post I can't share the details. When I am able to, I will shout the details from the rooftop.  

When there is a fifth Saturday  or Sunday in the month they are mine to sew, no workshops will be scheduled, unless it is unavoidable.

Until Next Time

Keep Stitching


Are you in?


  1. Hi Cynthia, I know the feeling! Trying to keep everything going this year with our day job has been a challenge and having our two sons at home on furlough has been a major challenge to keep them occupied and motivated. We managed and we did get a lot done around our home which needed doing but we never had the time before so that was great. What it did mean was I did not get any sewing done!!! So that is my Resolution this year as well to get back to my sewing. I hope you have a wonderful 2021. Hugs & Love, Susie xx

  2. This year was indeed a difficult one, and I hope your will be able to reach your goals for the coming year. The Glacier Star quilt looks wonderful, you are going to have fun stitching it!

  3. Finding time to sew is a great resolution! Love the Glacier star quilt, have fun with it.

  4. I teach quilting in my home and did some travel teaching which ended in March due to covid. I care for my elderly Mom so even closed the classes (state wide shut down) for a while - started back in the late fall. I have an in-home shop which doesn't see a lot of business, but we still had to have protocol.

  5. I gave thought to finding time to sew as my goal as well. I feel so much less stressed when I’m able to sew.

  6. This year was a tough one. I finished about 1/2 or less of my sewing and declined some opportunities that I certainly regret. My mental toughness just wasn't there. Let's start a new year with fun in 2021. I love your goal to make time for sewing and it looks like you have a great plan to do so. Happy New Year!!!!

  7. Great goals. Hope you have more time for sewing. I sort of fell apart in November when my husband was hospitalized and in rehab. I am trying to get back on track again now that he is better. Happy New Year!

  8. I hope you find more sewing time and 2021 is a better year for us all. Take care.

  9. Love your sewing resolution! Finding time to sew can be a challenge!
    And congratulations on becoming a certified teacher! That's a huge accomplishment!
    Happy Quilting! :-)

  10. I will admit I was jealous of those that sheltered at home, while I ended up being an essential worker, and working 6 days a week for the past 10 months. Becoming a certified Quiltworx teacher is a fabulous accomplishment. Great list of goals.

  11. It sounds like you accomplished quite a bit by becoming certified, though I can imagine it was frustrating not to find time to sew. Hopefully you'll get more time at your machine in 2021. Good luck and Happy New Year!

  12. Congratulations on being Quiltworx Certified. That is an amazing accomplishment. I wish you a more relaxed and less stressful New Year.

  13. Excellent goals! Happy stitching in 2021.

  14. Finding time to sew is always nice. Sometimes we just have to make time, don't we?

  15. Finding time...that's really the secret. I used to have a ton of it, but that evaporated this year for me. Congrats on getting your Quiltworks Certification. That Glacier Star quilt is to die for and I can't wait to see what other secrets you are hiding from us, soon! LOL!!
    Happy New Year!

  16. Sorry that 2020 threw you such a curve ball, but here's hoping that 2021 will be much kinder to you, so that you may find time to sew!!

  17. I’m inspired by your well thought out plan to make more time to sew. I’m sure it was a challenge during the pandemic of 2020 and all that entailed. 2021 can only get better, right? Happy New Year 😉 Carol

  18. I think we all need more time to sew, I know I do. I'm making my plan on making more time.

  19. Admirable goals and I wish you the very best in accomplishing some if not all of them. Wishes also for a Happy and Healthy 2021

  20. That Glacier Star is gorgeous! I wish you much success in accomplishing your goals. Definitely make time to stitch!!
