
Sunday, June 30, 2019

One Monthly Goal- June's Finished

Here we are at the end of June and I am here to share with everyone how my goal went this month. I only myself a small goal as I knew it was going to be a busy month. Here is the link to my goal setting post.

Here is a progress picture as I made each Dresden using the English Paper piecing technique.
My completed block with some fussy cutting involved. There is more blocks to make.
I have linked this post with Elm Street Quilts post, so pop over and check out how everyone went with their goals.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Monday, June 10, 2019

My Temperature Quilt Part 7

As you can see I am still way behind in my temperature quilt but here is March's blocks completed.
10-3-19- 28.5 - Yellow
11-3-19- 26- Yellow
12-3-19-28.1- Yellow
13-3-19- 31-3- Orange
15-3-19-28.3- Yellow
16-3-19-31.6 Orange

17-3-19- 32 - Orange
18-3-19-33.9- Orange
19-3-19- 32.4- Orange
20-3-19- 29  Yellow
21-3-19- 30.3 - Yellow
22-3-19- 35.2 -Orange
23-3-19- 26.3 - Yellow

24-3-19- 28.1 - Yellow
25-3-19- 20.4-  blue
26-3-19- 21.6 - Green
27-3-19- 26.5 - Yellow
28-3-19- 30.9 - Yellow
29-3-19- 23.1 - Green
30-3-19- 17.5 - Blue

31-3-19- 22.7 -Green
1-4-19- 23.4 - Green
2-4-19- 27.6 - Yellow
3-4-19- 29 - Yellow
4-4-19- 33.6 - Orange
5-4-19- 34.4 - Orange
6-4-19- 22.7 - Green

Then I was able to get into April's blocks.
7-4-19- 25.5 - Green
8-4-19- 24.3 - Green
9-4-19- 20 - Blue
10-4-19- 19.5 - Blue
11-4-19- 23 - Green
12-4-19- 26.4 - Yellow
13-4-19- 23.9 - Green

14-4-19- 29 - Yellow
15-4-19- 31 - Orange
16-4-19- 34.1 -Orange
17-4-19- 32.7 - Orange
18-4-19- 23.7 - Green
19-4-19- 35.3 -  Orange
20-4-19- 32.8 - Orange

Here is my legend
9- 15 degrees Purple
16-20 degrees  Blue
21-25 degrees Green
26-30 degrees Yellow
31-35 degrees Orange
36-40 degrees Pink
40+ degrees Red
Another good batch completed. I am still behind but at least there is progress. I am hoping it won't take long to get the next batch together as I have a bunch of flying geese blocks ready to layout.  I'm only about 8 weeks behind as I write this post. Lol. At least the machine is set up and the Temperature quilt box is there by the machine ready to go if I find the time.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Saturday, June 8, 2019

My Temperature Quilt Part 6

I have been recording the temperatures but I haven't had time to stitch any. I finally got to the sewing machine and stitched up  four weeks worth of blocks.
10-2-19- 24.5 - Green
11-2-19- 27.4 - Yellow
12-2-19- 21.4 - Green
13-2-19- 23 - Green
14-2-19- 25.5 - Green
15-2-19- 31.8 - Orange
16-2-19-33 Orange

17-2-19- 37.1 - Pink
18-2-19- 25.1 - Green
19-2-19- 24.2 - Green
20-2-19- 24.4 - Green
21-2-19- 27.8 - Yellow
22-2-19- 33    - Orange
23-2-19- 35.1 - Orange

24-2-19- 38.9 - Pink
25-2-19- 39.5 - Pink
26-2-19- 38 - Pink
27-2-19- 39.5 - Pink
28-2-19- 39.8 - Pink
1-3-19-  42.6 - Red
2-3-19- 41.5  - Red
I thought we were going to have a week of pink flying geese bouncing up and down for the week. Not quite with a couple of red ones to finish it off.

3-3-19- 36 - Pink
4-3-19- 36.3 - Pink
5-3-19- 25 - Green Yeah finally got a break from the heat.
6-3-19-21.3 - Green
7-3-19-28.4 - Yellow
8-3-19- 30.9- Yellow
9-3-19- 29.8 - Yellow

Here is my legend
9- 15 degrees Purple
16-20 degrees  Blue
21-25 degrees Green
26-30 degrees Yellow
31-35 degrees Orange
36-40 degrees Pink
40+ degrees Red
More coming shortly.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

Monday, June 3, 2019

One Monthly Goal- June's Goal

Here we are at the beginning of June. I haven't been much of a blogger this year, but I am trying to do some sewing.  It seems a never ending juggling act which something loses out. I have been trying my hardest to keep up with everything but it's not working. Now I have set myself a tiny goal for June, just because I am trying to find a balance.
I want to complete one block, in particularly this block. It is the first block of maybe nine blocks, we will see what happens.

It is from Sue Daley's Abbie pattern packs. It is #3 in a series of 9. It is a English Paper pieced pattern so it will take a little time. Another reason for only 1 block this month. It is a pieced dresden design and you can see what the spokes will look like from the 2 I have made up so far only 14 more to go. Then sew all them together, with finally appliquing to the background square. I will need to select a fabric for that, but I will wait until I get the dresden joined together before I decide what that will be.
I have linked this post with Elm Street Quilt goal setting post, so don't be shy, pop over and check out what everyone is working on.
Until Next Time
  Keep Stitching