
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

January's One Monthly Goal

Welcome to the new year and our first month of the One Monthly Goal. What goal to set for January? It wasn't hard to choose something as I have it out by the sewing machine. It may as well be that project.

I am going to get my Fire Island Hosta quilt top sewn together. I finished all the sections (blocks) on new year's day and was able to start sewing the first quarter together. So I am going to continue working on it this month and get the top together ready for quilting. I have already decided I will not quilt this one myself and am toying with the idea of having it custom quilted. We will see what happens.

I have linked my post up with Elm Street Quilt post for setting January's goal, so don't be shy pop over and check out what is be worked on in January.
Until Next Time
Keep Stitching


  1. Such pretty colors! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  2. Can't wait to see this at the end of the pretty!

  3. Hi Cynthia, I'm really looking forward to seeing your quilt made up. Such vibrant colors and so many curves!
