
Wednesday, July 4, 2018

2018 Finish Along Quarter #2 Projects

It's time to report in on our finishes for this quarter. With limited sewing time over the last two month has only seen me finish one of my three projects this quarter.You can see my original post here.

I have managed to finished my Desert Sky quilt. Considering the other two projects on my list were ready for quilting and my Desert Sky still had work on the top to be done before it could be quilted, it's not the project I would have said at the beginner of the quarter it would be finished. It is finished and that is what counts. It can be crossed off the list and I can move on to something else.

I have linked this post to  Leanne's  post so pop over and see how everyone else did this quarter.

Until Next Time
Keep Stitching


  1. Your quilt is just gorgeous! I love it! Congrats on a great finish!

  2. What a gorgeous quilt! I can easily see why you wanted to see this one finished. On behalf of the FAL crew, congrats on your finish and thanks for participating!
