
Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Princess and the Zombie Killer

I spent the weekend with the Princess and the Zombie Killer. Better known as my niece and nephew. My sister and her family live in Melbourne but the extended family is in Adelaide so often during school holidays my nephew will visit and makes the rounds of the family, then at the end of the holidays he has to go home. So what we do is we get together at Horsham which serves as a mid way point between us. Along for the trip is my parents with William (my nephew), my sister and Kira (my niece) and Ian and myself. We catch up on everything, have lunch, do some shopping, chase Kira around who has more energy than the lot of us and just hang out. She is the Princess, bossing everyone around, making demands and generally she is super charged.

Then we have dinner at the local RSL Club to end the day and return to the Motel for the night. Kira's new friend had to come to dinner and was well behaved at the dinner table. The princess wouldn't even sit down.

 This year I got to learn all about killing zoombies, the latest game William is in to. I can't see me playing it but it was nice to spend the time  with him. On Sunday we have breakfast say our goodbyes and head home. Now I promised myself to take some photos but I am hopeless. I did get a few with my phone but I get carried away with what is happening and plainly forget.
I always take my sewing but rarely do I get any stitching time. This year I didn't sewing anything but I did glue baste a dozen piecing for an English paper piecing project I am working on but my paper scissors got a work out cutting tags off some new items purchased in our shopping trip.

A couple pictures  of the main street  as we head home.
Now we are home it is time to do some work and catch up so I don't fall behind. Here is what I did get done.

Until Next Time
Keep Stitching

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