
Monday, February 9, 2015

More Disappearing Hourglass Blocks

Yes I made another four blocks to make it a grand total of 20 blocks for my quilt. It is time to sew these beauties together into a quilt top. I will have to set aside a weekend for quilting I think, I have 3 quilts waiting to be quilted. I think I will send my Wishes quilt to my long arm quilter for her to do as the size is a little too big for me to do as well as I would like. So it is time to play with a layout and see all these blocks together and do I need a border. I am thinking maybe a 3 inch border in the cream or do I do a 1 inch cream border than a 3 inch multi coloured border? What do you think?
You will find most of these batiks in my web shop. As I used one of the mulitcoloured layer cake pack with the cream off the bolt.
Until Next time 
Keep Stitching 

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